Tag Archives: The Floating Admiral

Dorothy L Sayers Solves Her Mystery

Why did she stop writing detective fiction as WW2 approached?

This is the sixth and final episode of Queens of Crime at War, a six part series looking at what the best writers from the golden age of detective fiction did once that period came to an end with the start of the Second World War.

There are very minor spoilers in this episode for the eventual outcome of the Harriet Vane-Peter Wimsey plot line.

Books referenced:
Busman’s Honeymoon by Dorothy L Sayers
The Nine Tailors by Dorothy L Sayers
The Floating Admiral by Members of the Detection Club
The Documents in the Case by Dorothy L Sayers and Robert Eustace
Murder Must Advertise by Dorothy L Sayers
Gaudy Night by Dorothy L Sayers
The Zeal of Thy House by Dorothy L Sayers
Dorothy L. Sayers: Her Life and Soul by Barbara Reynolds
He That Should Come by Dorothy L Sayers
— Begin Here: A Wartime Essay by Dorothy L Sayers
Whose Body? by Dorothy L Sayers
Thrones, Dominations by Dorothy L Sayers and Jill Paton Walsh
Striding Folly by Dorothy L Sayers
— “The Haunted Policeman” and “Talboys” in Lord Peter Wimsey Investigates by Dorothy L Sayers
— The Wimsey Papers by Dorothy L Sayers
The Man Born to Be King by Dorothy L Sayers
The Mind of the Maker by Dorothy L Sayers
Clouds of Witness by Dorothy L Sayers
Strong Poison by Dorothy L Sayers
Have His Carcase by Dorothy L Sayers
A Presumption of Death by Dorothy L Sayers and Jill Paton Walsh
Women’s Fiction of the Second World War: Gender, Power, Resistance by Gill Plain

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Find a full transcript of this episode at shedunnitshow.com/dorothylsayerssolveshermysterytranscript.

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The original music for this series, “The Case Of The Black Stormcloud”, was created by Martin Zaltz Austwick. Find out more about his work at martinzaltzaustwick.wordpress.com.

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The Detection Club

It started with dinner and ended with a group of crime writers swearing an oath on a skull. Special thanks to my guest Martin Edwards. His latest novel is Mortmain Hall and he’s on Twitter as @medwardsbooks. Become a member of the Shedunnit Book Club and get bonus audio, listen to ad free episodes and… Continue Reading