Tag Archives: Busman’s Honeymoon

The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club (Green Penguin Book Club 1)

Helen Zaltzman is the guest for this dissection of the first green penguin.

Until 26:43, the discussion is free of major spoilers. At that point, as you will hear us say, we enter the spoiler zone and you can expect spoilers until the end.

Helen’s podcast The Allusionist is available wherever you are listening to this or at theallusionist.org

My new book, A Body Made of Glass: A History of Hypochondria, is published in April. To find out more and register for the exclusive pre-order bonus material, visit my website carolinecrampton.com.

Mentioned in this episode:
The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club by Dorothy L Sayers
Strong Poison by Dorothy L. Sayers
Busman’s Honeymoon by Dorothy L. Sayers
Five Red Herrings by Dorothy L. Sayers

Related Shedunnit Episodes:
Death at the Club
A Mysterious Glossary
The Advertising Adventures of Dorothy L. Sayers

NB: Links to Blackwell’s are affiliate links, meaning that the podcast receives a small commission when you purchase a book there (the price remains the same for you). Blackwell’s is a UK bookselling chain that ships internationally at no extra charge.

You can find a full list of Penguin books at penguinfirsteditions.com.

To be the first to know about future developments with the podcast, sign up for the newsletter at shedunnitshow.com/newsletter.

The podcast is on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram as @ShedunnitShow, and you can find it in all major podcast apps. Make sure you’re subscribed so you don’t miss the next episode. Click here to do that now in your app of choice.

Find a full transcript of this episode at shedunnitshow.com/theunpleasantnessatthebellonaclubtranscript/

Music by Audioblocks and Blue Dot Sessions. See shedunnitshow.com/musiccredits for more details.

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