On The Thames

The River Thames has always had a dark side. Its fast-flowing, tidal waters have long attracted those with something to hide.

Find links to further reading and sources at shedunnitshow.com/onthethames.

You can order my book about the Thames, The Way to the Sea, from Waterstones, Amazon or an independent bookshop. For international purchases, Amazon is (sadly) the best option.

Become a member of the Shedunnit book club and get bonus audio, listen to ad free episodes and join a book-loving community at shedunnitshow.com/membership.

Books mentioned in order:
Gaudy Night by Dorothy L. Sayers
Footsteps at the Lock by Ronald Knox
—”Dark Waters” by Freeman Wills Crofts is collected in Bodies from the Library
Sunset Over Soho
by Gladys Mitchell
A Shilling for Candles by Josephine Tey

Further Thames reading:
Original Sin by P.D. James
Strange Tide by Christopher Fowler
Trouble on the Thames by Victor Bridges

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Find a full transcript of this episode at shedunnitshow.com/onthethamestranscript.

Music by Audioblocks and Blue Dot Sessions. See shedunnitshow.com/musiccredits for more details.

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